Ministry Teams
The Greenup Baptist Association is led by the efforts of five teams, each with specific roles and assignments that move the vision and mission of the Association froward. Each team works in cooperation with the Association Mission Strategist in these efforts.

The Great Commission Advancement Team
The Great Commission Advancement Team exists to strategize the function of the Greenup Baptist Association in its three core mission objectives: Church Revitalization, Church Mobilization, and Church Multiplication.
Administrative Team
The principal function of the Administrative Team is to fill all employee positions not assigned to the Nominating Committee or appointed by the Moderator and to serve the Association in securing, administering, and reporting its finances.

Credentials Team
The principal function of the Credentials Team is to receive, review and make recommendations regarding applications for affiliation; upon referral from the Executive Board,shall investigate any allegation of doctrinal conflict arising between the Association and any affiliated church or association and, if appropriate, report recommendations to the messengers at the Annual Meeting, and; to vet and approve preachers to be included on the Pulpit Supply list.
Strategy Team
The principal function of the Strategy Team Principal function: To assist the Association in determining its strategic objectives and in staying on course in achieving them. This includes, but is not limited to, the review of and recommended amendment of the Constitution and Bylaws, Association policies and procedures, and recommendations for ministry team assignments.

The principal function of the Trustees is to act as a legal agent of the Association and oversee the maintenance of the Association’s property.